CEEC Membership Renewal 2016


First of all, we would like to sincerely thank you for your participation and commitment to CEEC during the whole past year. As time marched on, a new year is coming and so does the renewal date for your membership.

Please, kindly send us your application form latest by January 31st, 2016 via office@ceecvn.org

Being a member of CEEC, you are a part of the European Business Community in Vietnam which we are building up and strengthening.  You also have the rights and preferential treatment when accessing our services and resources; get personalized contact point; are invited to b2b networking and community building events; Share & (L) Earn; access vast network of contacts and soft links towards major stakeholders from SMEs for SMEs network.

With the CEEC-EuroCham affiliation signed in the beginning of October 2015, all CEEC’s members are also automatically accepted as EuroCham’s members. The Dual-Membership benefits include:

  • Free Access to the « EuroCham White Book »
  • Free Access to the EuroCham yearly Business Directory with all references and business contacts, including a page to introduce your company
  • Getting invited to all EuroCham events: seminars, workshops, networking activities, etc. while enjoying while enjoying deducted fee which applies for all EuroCham members.
  • Receiving a free membership card giving advantages and discounts in a number of restaurants, hotels or resorts, clubs, airlines, tour agencies, and other shops
  • Receiving EuroCham newsletter and getting access to weekly English news information

CEEC members and CEEC as an affiliated EuroCham Business Association will aso have will also have full voting rights and responsibilities at EuroCham.

Included herein was also a brief CEEC year-end report, where you can find the thank you letter to all members from our chairman and a comprehensive summary of what CEEC has achieved since March, 2015.

Currently your Executive Committee is preparing for CEEC’s Annual General Meeting which has been scheduled for the 5. March 2016. There also the activities and budget 2016 will be discussed.

CEEC Year-End Summary

letter from chairman