
On Saturday, 29th February 2020, the Central and Eastern European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (CEEC) conducted the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Hanoi and HCMC.

The meeting was open with the greetings and sincerest thanks from CEEC Chairman, Marko Moric, to all participants for their support during the year. Then the quorum was checked and confirmed. At the meeting, we had honour to receive CEEC Advisory Committee Board and our esteemed members.

In the next part, Executive Committee Members summarized CEEC activities in 2019 and proposed plans for 2020, which are, among others: increasing number of members, finding new corporate partners, enhancing external relations and to set-up Expertise-platforms for topics regarding environmental technology, mobility and food & Agro. The main target will be SMEs from our Member countries.

The financial situation of 2019 and projection for 2020 were also discussed and approved by CEEC’s members.

As a next step of AGM, nominations of two ExCo members whose 2 years term was ending and 2 new members, were presented. All candidatures were unanimously accepted by members. CEEC Board Members for 2020 are:

Marko Moric

Csaba Bundik

Christoph Schill

Martin Koerner

Nguyen Hai Minh

Nora Bihari

Vlad Savin

Florian Beranek

The meeting ended successfully with the final sincerest thanks from CEEC for the time, support and interest of all CEEC’s member.

The AGM minutes can be found here.

If you wish to receive presentations from the meeting, please contact CEEC office at office@ceecvn.org