CEEC met H.E. Ambassador of Austria in Hanoi


From left to right: Mr. Csaba Bundik (CEEC Vice-Chairman), H.E. Mr. Thomas Schuller-Gotzburg (Ambassador of the Austrian Embassy to Vietnam), Mr. Marko Moric (CEEC Chairman) and Dr. Gellert Horvath (CEEC Board Member)

On Tuesday, 6th February 2018, CEEC had an honor to visit H.E. Mr. Thomas Schuller-Gotzburg, Ambassador of Austria to Vietnam at the Austrian Embassy. The meeting aimed to introduce CEEC and discuss possible cooperation.

After CEEC presenation given by CEEC Board Members, H.E. Ambassador openly shared about his experience in Vietnam as well as his plans in upcoming time. Moreover, H.E Ambassador emphasized the cooperation opportunities both sides could have in nearest future, starting with the sharing information of CEEC events and activities.

During the meeting, CEEC has an opportunity to present H.E. Ambassador the booklet “Doing Business in Vietnam”, which gives a general overview of Vietnamese Market. The booklet can be download online here.

The meeting was successful and promised to bring fruitful businesses for both sides. We all look forward to the next steps of cooperation after Lunar New Year.