CEEC met with the Slovak Business Delegation


CEEC, represented by Chairman Mr. Marko Moric and Executive Committee Member Mr. Florian Beranek, was hosting the Slovak Business Delegation on 28th May 2019, accompanied by representatives of the Slovak Embassy in Vietnam and the Slovak State Agency for Promotion of Investment and Trade.

An impressive delegation of 13 companies from the beverage and green growth sector participated in business meetings in Hanoi and HCMC.

During their visit in Hanoi, CEEC Chairman gave a brief introduction about the Chamber and its activities. CEEC distributed “Doing business in Vietnam” guide to the delegates.

Following meetings in Hanoi, on 30th May 2019, CEEC was delighted to welcome Slovak companies in HCMC. Delegates were welcomed by CEEC Chairwoman, Ms. Magdalena Krakowiak. After introduction of each participants, CEEC Executive Member, Ms. Kadri Lahi, shared practical information about market entry and organizational structures utilized by foreign companies to operate in Vietnam.  Businesses represented discussed best structures for their type of activity.

Afterwards, Mr. Truyen Nguyen, representing Raiffeisen Bank in Vietnam, explained financial aspects of doing business in Vietnam and strategies to fund business.

Later, Ms. Nora Bihari from the South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk introduced their project and Ms. Marta Bettinazzi, the Intellectual Property Business Advisor, gave a general overview of intellectual property rights (IPR) in Vietnam, indicating how important for European SMEs it is to protect their brands.

In the final part, CEEC Executive Committee Member and Member of Eurocham Green Growth Sector Committee, Mr. Christoph Schill talked about the green growth field with the focus on renewable energy, packaging and recycling.

The meeting end up with a discussion. We hope to welcome more investment from Slovakia in upcoming time to Vietnam.