Earth Day 2019 – the Nationwide Clean-up campaign


Since 2016, Keep Vietnam Clean & Green (KVCG) has been the main organizer of the Nationwide Clean-up Campaign to support the Earth Day movement and aim for a beautiful & free of trash environment, reaching nearly 700,000 audience regarding this simple-but-practical action. This year, the organizer making a big (and sustainable) change by sharing the responsibility with the community to get more resources, commitment and make this campaign self-sustaining. To be specific, there will be three main activities as below:

  • Training workshop for young community leaders: to help them be able to self-organize a clean-up event for their communities.
  • Campaign launching ceremony on 21st of April
  • Online Marketing campaign: to raise awareness about littering & protecting the environment for communities with the participation of Influencers/ Celebrities in Vietnam

Join the Earth Day 2019 Campaign to:

  • Build a good image as a socially responsible organization, which contribute for community development and environmental protection in Vietnam.
  • Increase engagement by participating in clean-up event as a meaningful team-building day.

You can find more information about Earth Day:

  • Example for Partner’s logo exposure: link
  • The previous partners of KVCG talk about Earth Day Clean-up Campaign: AmCham / US Consulate
  • Earth Day 2018 report: link
  • Keep Vietnam Clean & Green channels: Facebook/ website