Meeting with H.E. Mr. Mariusz Haładyj – Polish Undersecretary of State in Ministry of Development


On 14th June 2017, CEEC Executive Committee Members, including our Chairman – Mr. Marko Moric and ExCo Member – Mr. Gellert Horvath, had an honor to have a meeting with H.E. Mr. Mariusz Haładyj – Undersecretary of State in Polish Ministry of Development.

In the picture, from left to right: Mr. Mariusz Boguszewski – Economic Counselor at the Embassy of Poland in Vietnam, H.E. Mr. Mariusz Haładyj – Undersecretary of State in Polish Ministry of Development; Mr. Gellert Horvath – CEEC Executive Committee Member, Mr. Marko Moric – CEEC Chairman

In the meeting, we had chance to introduce our Chamber as well as Services we provide. Moreover, after giving a brief introduction on Vietnamese market and economy, possible fields of interest for Polish companies was also identified and discussed. Through this, we learned about possibilities of cooperation between CEEC and Poland, and introduced them the business guide which was just launched in the beginning of June.

We do hope in upcoming time, CEEC can contribute our great hands in promoting the bilateral cooperation, and helping more Polish companies expanding their business in Vietnam.