Press Release: Launch of a new communication project – ‘’CEEC Debates” – June 2020


Press Release: Launch of a new communication project – ‘’CEEC Debates” – June 2020

Central Eastern European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam is pleased to announce the launch of a new communication project “CEEC Debates”, starting with the first article published in the end of June 2020.

CEEC Debates is a series of monthly interviews with key representatives of the CEEC Vietnam corporate members about their current business operations and goals, emphasizing the core attributes of their operations in Vietnam, and how their organizations create value and bring sustainable benefits for stakeholders and the Vietnamese community. Our questions will challenge corporate members’ ideas and opinions, bringing into light leadership models, future developments and current updates regarding their business.

The project would be run by CEEC Board Member, Mr. Vlad Savin – Head of Business Development at Domicile Corporate Services, with support of CEEC Executive Director, Ms. Monika Jurzak, with the aim of giving exposure to CEEC businesses through quality, journalistic analysis of relevant business sectors, key industries and innovation driven initiatives in Vietnam.

The articles would be posted on CEEC Facebook page, company profile on LinkedIn and CEEC website.

About the author:

Interviewer: Vlad Savin – Executive Committee Member CEEC Vietnam

Vlad Savin is currently active in business strategy and development, advising international investors with market entry and compliance governance in Vietnam and across the Asia region. He is a business development, finance and marketing professional, and has resided in Southeast Asia for the last 7 years. Vlad has a wide experience in personal and corporate finance, working with investment firms in Malaysia in Vietnam, with extensive knowledge in business consulting, strategic analysis, client engagement, marketing and events with international exposure. Vlad is Head of Business Development at Domicile Corporate Services, a corporate consulting firm which supports investors with market entry, licensing, incorporation, compliance and tailored advisory services.

If you are interested to find out more about this initiative or you would like to participate in our CEEC Debates project, please contact us at or

For general details and further information about Central Eastern European Chamber in Vietnam, please visit

Download the Press Release here.