“Support for Central Vietnam with us”


The Central Vietnam is undergoing a difficult time with the devastating floods affecting thousands of people. Quang Tri, Quang Binh, and Thua Thien Hue are the three provinces in the hot spot of the period of typhoons and floods, which are also the areas with the most intense flooding and deep inundation due to prolonged heavy rains. In this context, the poor are the most vulnerable group in the face of natural disasters, because they lack many resources for self-recovery.

Many local people and local NGOs are doing their best to support affected families in different ways. Based on LIN Center recommendations, we would like to introduce you two different organizations, which are part of LIN’s local nonprofit partner network.

One of them is CODES (Center for Community Development and Social Work). This NGO was established in 2009 and is based in Hue. The organization focuses on support the sustainable development, long-term program for community, livelihood, education, risk management, etc. The priorities at this moment are:

  • Reconstruction & recovery
  • Means for pupil/ students to come back to school
  • Livelihood for the vulnerabilities

If you wish to support affected people by floods in Hue & Quang Tri, please send your contribution to:


Trung tâm Phát triển Cộng đồng và Công tác Xã hội

Acc no: 0161001639941

Another NGO – SONG Foundation (Flood Protection House), starting its operations in 2013, designs housing models to cope with different types of floods and provides partial financial assistance to poor, near-poor and disadvantaged households to build safe houses and thereby mitigate the negative impact of the disaster on their daily lives.

Their campaign “Towards the Central” aims to raise funds to build safer houses for people in flood areas. All the funds raised will help build 6-10 new houses, help more than 50 people stabilize their lives and overcome natural disasters.

All contributions, please send to:



Account number 0541-000-3233-68

Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam

Branch Chuong Duong, Hanoi

Swift code: BFTVVNVX




E-Wallet Phone number: 0914-19-1513

Please note that when sending sponsorship, please note: Your name-SĐT-NCL2020

We appreciate your attention and we hope that we, together, can make a small difference and provide relief in these tough times.